pedestrian crosswalk sign kit

A Simple Pedestrian Crossing Sign Can Make a HUGE Differencepedestrian crossing sign

A recent study showed that "The risk of fatality at 31 mph is more than twice as high as the risk at 25 mph, and more than 5 times higher then the risk at 19 mph." This danger and risk increases even more in areas where there are pedestrian walkways with no traffic signals. To help combat this safety issue, our Traffic Safety Products division offers a pedestrian crossing sign kit that both increases pedestrian safety and fits comfortably in your budget. The kit includes (1) rubber base, (1) 42" lime green post and (2) 12" x 32" diamond grade fluorescent safety signs that read "State Law. Yield to Pedestrians Within Crosswalk." This pedestrian crossing sign kit meets all Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidelines. The kit is also National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) approved.

Our pedestrian crossing sign kit can easily be placed anywhere were there is a crosswalk and helps increase crosswalk safety by alerting drivers of upcoming areas where pedestrians may be walking. The fluorescent yellow-green safety signs are visible in both daytime and nighttime lighting conditions, can be seen from a distance and quickly grabs the driver's attention. This allows the driver to safely slow down or stop with enough time to prevent injuries to those using the pedestrian crosswalk. The rubber base and mounting post are also designed to increase safety in the event that a vehicular collision does occur. The pole and safety signs will simply bend during the force of impact and return to their normal upright position after. The pedestrian crossing sign will not break or shatter which reduces the chance of additional injuries or damage to the pedestrians, the driver or their vehicle.

Pedestrian Crosswalk Markers are Perfect for School Crossing Zonespedestrian crossing sign

Areas with the heaviest pedestrian traffic such as school zones and community parks are just a few of the ideal locations that our kits can be used. The lightweight design allows for easy move-ability so signs can be changed or re-positioned based on changing pedestrian traffic patterns (ie. school hours, weekends, special events). Our walkway signs are also extremely durable meaning they can provide long-lasting crosswalk safety in almost any environmental condition.

Our Pedestrian Crossing Sign Kit, as well as many of our other products offered through our Traffic Safety Products division, are designed to alert drivers of upcoming dangers and obstacles in an attempt to increase safety and decrease injuries/casualties. For more information on what product lines we offer and how they can meet your safety needs, head over to our online store and get started today!