telespar sign post
November 04, 2020
What is the signpost definition?
Whether you type "signpost definition" into Google or you go completely old-school and look up the term in a dictionary, you're going to get the same results. Below are three different, yet very similar, signpost definitions.
- Merriam-Webster: "a post (as at the fork of a road) with signs on it to direct travelers."
- Cambridge Dictionary: "a pole at the side of a road, especially at a point where two or more roads meet, that gives information about routes and distances."
- Oxford Dictionary: "a sign giving information
July 20, 2020
Telespar Square Tubing Isn't Just For Sign Posts
There are many uses for square steel tubing beyond the traffic safety industry. In fact, when the original makers of Telespar® square tubing (Unistrut Corporation) began manufacturing it, in 1964, there wasn't even a market for square tube to be utilized in sign post applications. Back then, there was no distinction between square steel tubing and mechanical tubing, because there was no such thing as telescoping square tube sign posts yet...
July 13, 2020
The First Step in Signpost Installation is Determining Sign Post Type
Choosing a signpost installation method, along with choosing which hardware and tools to use to install your sign post, can be confusing. There are a lot of factors that go into making the right decision - and that's after you've decided on which type of signpost to install.
Which Type of Signpost Are You Installing?
There are three main types of sign post: