Pedestrian Crosswalk Signs and the MUTCD Requirements

Pedestrian Crosswalk Signs Are A Great Way To Improve Pedestrian Safety
Crosswalk signs are designed to alert oncoming divers of upcoming crosswalks and nearby pedestrians. They'e most commonly installed by state and local transportation departments, but are also used in private areas that are open to the public like malls, theme parks, shopping centers, sports arenas and other similar locations. They're highly visible, they encourage drivers to either stop or yield when approaching the intersection, and because the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) considers them to be regulatory signs, they must follow the requirements set by the MUTCD. Below is a breakdown of the important guidelines when installing pedestrian crosswalk signs, including shape, color, verbiage and where they can and can't be placed.
MUTCD Requirements for Pedestrian Crosswalk Signs
- MUTCD prohibits crosswalk signs from being placed at intersections where traffic signals are already being used. This means the signs are only allowed to be placed on uncontrolled streets and intersections that have no traffic lights. Crosswalk signs can, however, be used in conjunction with other overhead crossing and traffic signs.
- If the sign is being used in a school zone, the crosswalk must be monitored by a school crossing guard.
- Pedestrian crosswalk signs need to be positioned on the centerline or median of a crosswalk or road. They cannot be positioned to the left or right side of the road. MOST IMPORTANTLY: The sign cannot obstruct the pedestrian's path of travel.
- The sign can include an image of a yield or stop sign along with the pedestrian symbol. The schoolchildren symbol may be used, depending on the location of the sign.
- Signs must be retro-reflective or illuminated. They need to be visible in both day and night lighting.
- Crosswalk signs must be rectangular in shape with dimensions of 12" x 36".
- The words "state law" must be printed across the top of the sign.
- For coloring, the pedestrian / schoolchildren symbol must be black. The stop sign or yield sign must be depicted in it's standard color. The symbols must be on a white background accompanied by a black border. The sign itself must be yellow or fluorescent green-yellow.
- Pedestrian crosswalk signs must be designed to bend and bounce back in the event of vehicle impact. This reduces the chance of damage to the vehicle and injury to pedestrians.
- The sign cannot be taller than 4 feet; measured from top to the ground it's placed on.
Increase Pedestrian Safety At Intersections And On Roadways
Centerline pedestrian crosswalk signs are a great way to enhance the safety of intersections and roadways for local residents. By alerting oncoming drivers of upcoming crosswalks, these signs give drivers enough time to yield or prepare to stop. Our Traffic Safety Products division offers a wide range of products that can be used to increase safety on the road, at crosswalks, in Parking Lots and in other locations with high pedestrian traffic. Click the button below to see our selection of products and start increasing safety today!